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Friday, September 30, 2005

Triple Tag

All right, I'd better do this one, because I've been triple-tagged, by my sister, Squirl; my brother, Greenie; and professional cute person (well, she could be if she wanted to turn pro), Annejelynn.

The Rules:
1. Go into your archive.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five other people to do the same.

This one was actually fun, and it led to what is possibly my favorite of all my blog posts:

From March 24, 2005: "What is Gumby Doing?"

As he got ready for the most exciting night of his life, he took special care to wave the stench from his freshly shaved pits, and to perform a breast self-exam.

There you have it. This tag has been going around for a while, so I'm not going to tag anyone specifically. If you read this, and haven't done it yet, consider yourself tagged!

13 heads are better than one . . .

Blogger WILLIAM said...

I have reading different ones of this Tag and I think someone should compile all the lines into one story. I mean it could be funny. Like Mad libs

The true love affair began the day he sang “Forever.”
As he got ready for the most exciting night of his life, he took special care to wave the stench from his freshly shaved pits, and to perform a breast self-exam.

"This is challenging a huge cultural behemoth here."

I wanted it; God forgive me, I wanted it!"

Blogger Susie said...

william, DO IT!

Blogger Joseph said...

Brilliant William, Brilliant!!!

Blogger August95 said...

whhaaa. I typed my code word wrong and lost my comment.

Oh Gumby, is such a dude!

Blogger WILLIAM said...

This is what I have so far. It needs work and I probably will not complete it. But somehow it makes sense.

-The true love affair began the day he sang “Forever.”-
-I don't know any of the music from Die Fledermaus, either-

-As he got ready for the most exciting night of his life, he took special care to wave the stench from his freshly shaved pits, and to perform a breast self-exam.- Pretty sure no one has one of these floating around in their house. Yah, yah, I know most would consider this the "feel obligated to display" thing, but not me."- -"My back and chest and shoulders are so burned."-

-My kitty likes the balcony and has had some good times rubbing her body all over it(whatever - its cute).- It's totally all about her, but man, I simply do not like that place.-
-I said to him, "Where the f*$@% were you when we had these spastic animals we call children?"-
-" Moot Question. No answer is satisfactory-

-"I think it's that I can relate to a young woman who dies early"-
-"This is challenging a huge cultural behemoth here."-

-Peri- Bottle-
-I wanted it; God forgive me, I wanted it!-

-Apparently, my exhaustion has turned my brain into an eleven-year-old boy-

Blogger Susie said...

Gumby likes you, too august!

william, like greenie says, that is FREAKIN' BRILLIANT. Made me laugh A LOT. It is not unlike my Gumby post here. GREAT MINDS!

Blogger LadyBug said...

That Gumby post is one of my very favorites. Now I'm reminiscing and getting all emotional. *sniff*


Blogger LadyBug said...

William! You got skillz, yo!
That cracked me right up!

ipzac (reminds me of Prozac, which - judging from the number of exclamation points above - I should probably check into)

Blogger Squirl said...

Susie, I was just reading the Gumby post from your archives the other day.

William, I love it. Thanks for including my sentence.

Blogger Kranki said...

Yours is the best sentence so far. Laugh out loud kinda funny.

Blogger Nina said...

ROFL, I love it . . . thanks for the laugh this morning, that is all. :)

Blogger Susie said...

ladybug, I know, the nostalgia of it. Back in the day . . . we were so innocent . . .
I want William to post his "story," I think it will be a classic!

squirl, you were reading in my archives? I didn't know anyone did that. Cool! And yes, William is showing tremendous potential, here, don't you think? ;)

kranki and nina, thank you, thank you, glad to give you a giggle :)

Blogger eclectic said...

OK, that was hysterical! William, if we weren't married already, I'd ask you to marry me based on that compilation alone. **Wait...that didn't sound right... if you weren't married to Lauren and I weren't married to Mr. E. That's what I meant.... **

*sigh* Is the "tormented, misunderstood one" role already taken? I'd like to audition....


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