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Sunday, January 29, 2006


Sunday Post ~ "You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Matthew 25:34-40

file under: &Sunday Post

23 heads are better than one . . .

Blogger Squirl said...

That Emerson quote is so true. So many times I've procrastinated about doing a nice thing for someone. Then it's too late. There's no way to get that back.

Happy Sunday, Susie!

Blogger Philosophical Karen said...

I don't think I've ever mentioned that I always look forward to your Sunday posts. They are so simple, and yet they contain so much thought.

Blogger Unknown said...

Susie -- Thank you for the reminder. There are a couple of things for others that I wanted to do today.

Happy Sunday.

Blogger Unknown said...

uh oh...hopefully that's not a wreath on your door...

Blogger Dawn said...

oh WOW, love,love,love the photo, and the quote as well :)
happy sunday

Blogger Susie said...

squirl, yep, no getting it back. Just starting now :) Happy to you, too, sis.

nikki, I hope he has a pillow? Four o'clock will be fine; that's why I posted the picture of my door, so you'll know which one to come to :) We'll eat delicious things and play a rousing game of "What the hell does Shoshie's husband do, in his crisp, starched boxers?"

karen, thank you. Truly.

ck, you don't strike me as one who needs many reminders to be kind. However, your very comment reminds me about your friend, whom I did visit briefly, but whom I shall now remember to visit properly, and comment :)

jim, you trying to start something? It is a wreath; however, in case you are here accusicating and making demandments, it is NOT a Christmas wreath. It is, I'll have you know, a WINTER wreath. It will be replaced, some 8-10 weeks from now by a Spring wreath, JIM. People have been here today, on posts old and new, calling me names, accusing me of horrible things . . . what have I ever done to you people? Be sweet to me, Jim, or I will tell Kneel Sedaka bad things about you, and you will NOT get that all-important second date.

dawn, aw, look at you in your pigtails! So cute! Thank you, sweetie.

Blogger Nina said...

It is Sunday . . . I like Emerson and love the quote. I will have to do kindness today . . . because yes you never know how soon it will be too late. Thank you Ralph and Susie! Happy Sunday!

Blogger Unknown said...

So true, Susie.

The problem for me is: what is the “kindness” I need to do? It is easy for me to give food and drink, to welcome the stranger, to care for the sick and visit the prisoner.

It is the other, less well defined issues that concern me. Do I confront the drug addict with her addictions, knowing that it will alienate her from me and any other kindness I may be able to offer to keep her out of the gutter? Or do I wait until she hits rock bottom—and maybe death? Do I warn the fool the he is replaying his same old script that he has played out time and time again and that the in the 3rd act he will again end up abandoned and in pain? Those are the issues with which I struggle every day.

Blogger Random and Odd said...

ahhhh sunday at susies.

Blogger Casey said...

I am totally "borrowing" this post and adding it to my blog. Thanks for the great start to my day!

Blogger eclectic said...

Lovely post, Sis!

I have Shoshie's kids for the day, but we'll be along for the baked goods and Occupational Jeopardy game later.

In the meantime, I'm off to be kind!

Blogger WILLIAM said...

I love the "whatever you do to the least of my brothers..."

One of my favorites.

Blogger Susie said...

nina, you're welcome, Happy Sunday to you and yours, too.

ssnick, I'm going to tell you what you already know: speak the truth in love. As for dealing with addicts, pardon my bluntness, but you have to get very real with yourself: is the "help" that you're giving actually just serving the purpose of helping you feel better about doing *something*, or is it truly HELPING the person, in a big-picture kind of way? Very often, short-term, what we like to call "help," is in fact a contribution to the perpetuation of the problem. I've done it. And I don't do it anymore.

hi, princess!

mrtl, yay! Thanks for letting me know. I hope it's still that way.

casey, welcome, thanks for the kind words, and borrow away :)

eclectic, Occupational Jeopardy! *snork* What is . . . Philharmonic Conductor?

william, me, too. And you know I love you for looking it up :)

nikki, thanks for appreciating my winter wreath, unlike SOME people. Oh, dear, so Shoshie is hung-over, huh? Sorry to hear that. I'm a little concerned now about contributing to the delinquency of a niece; I hope no one gets in trouble :0

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Do you put your Thanksgiving and Christmas wreaths up at the same time, like the merchants do?

Blogger Unknown said...

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Blogger Unknown said...

I WAS being sweet. Y'see, I'm from a place where people would put dark wreaths on their door when there was a death in the family and I was HOPING that wasn't the case with you.

Oh, and you have cute toes. How's that for sweet?

BTW - I had to do this post over again. I misspelled 'From' - how stupid was THAT?

Blogger Susie said...

hoss, are you accusing me of being some sort of MERCHANT? Of selling something here? What is with you people today?

momo, that sounds like a lovely photo essay, your seasonal wreaths :)

jim, ohmylord. Now that you tell me that, and I go back and read your comment, I understand. See, I thought you were accusicating because of my recent procrastination confessions. So, you were being, um tactful by not saying, "Is someone DEAD there?" I do appreciate that, Jim, 'cause that would have freaked me right the eff out! Oh, honey; don't mind me, I've had a very odd day. Not BAD, but odd. And yes, "the toes" gets you back in my good graces. They are cute, all eleven of them :)

Blogger Katy Barzedor said...

The extra toe is to hold the crab fork.

Blogger Unknown said...

Susie's feet have CRABS?

Blogger Unknown said...

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Blogger Susie said...

bucky, you had to get Jim started again, didn't you?

jim, no, my feet do not have CRABS. Bucky is, I am sure, referring to um, the um, popularity of that particular delicacy in my geographic region. So popular, in fact, that many people in this region have evolved to the point of having an extra toe to hold the FORK! OK?! sheesh, I'll be glad when this day is over.

Blogger eclectic said...

Even when the day's over in the EST zone, Jim and I still have 3 WHOLE HOURS left of it to find ways to mess with you. So don't go countin' yer chickens, or toes, or whatever, just yet! ;) Oh Ji--im, I need to talk with you...!

Anyway, what's wrong with today? sbhhe@juno.com -- they don't call us "counselor" for nuthin, y'know...

Blogger Susie said...

eclectic, well, dear, as I told someone, there are biological factors at play that set me up to be rather easily offended. Then there are bloggers at play, assuming that I'm having a funeral here, calling me names, questioning my motives . . . *sigh* Like that.

shoshie, S.O.L. is a very useful expression, under-used these days, in my opinion. OK, Sam is a . . . Eurologist?


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