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Friday, October 14, 2005

Biscuit Friday ~ That Lyin' Dog

Dreaming up very bad things to do.

Biscuit wants to rest. LG wants to cuddle. LG has arms and higher level thinking, so she wins, for a few minutes. Biscuit has an attention-getting growl, and some sharp parts -- teeth, claws -- so then he wins. I say to LG, "Let sleeping dogs lie." I explain what this expression means. Minutes later, Biscuit is ambivalent about whether he wants to rest or not. He's down, but looking around, sniffing, contemplating some act of larceny, most likely. LG's checking him out for cuddling potential.

"Mom," she inquires, "is he lying?"

I look at him carefully. "I don't know, LG. What's he saying?"

24 heads are better than one . . .

Blogger Candy said...

Your girlie is wise to not trust the sniffing snorfling sneak dog. Tell her yes, they always lie. They hide it with their cute, but yes LG, that BIscuit is a fibber if I have ever laid eyes on a fibber.

And she is adorable.

xunxun??? Isnt that the god Tom Cruise worships?

Blogger Ern said...

Sometimes I come here and think that I have clicked to my own blog and a picture of Shiloh by mistake!

Shiloh makes resigned sighs and moans when we try to cuddle him and he wants to rest. Biscuit too?

Blogger eclectic said...

Biscuit, go cuddle with LG right now! You're the DOG in the family -- there's lots of humans, but only ONE dog and your job is to accept their love as your rightful due. Get on it man, before you get a demerit from the Committee on Doggie Decorum.

Blogger Squirl said...

I'm thinking that pretty close to the time that I'm commenting Biscuit will be wreaking his revenge by getting LG out of bed for school.

swrdfwdd Kinda sounds like sword foot.

Blogger Katy Barzedor said...

Look at that face. Would that sweet, innocent, furry face tell you a lie?

This load of crap has been sponsored by Biscuit, paying bloggers to extol his virtues on a daily basis, and then growling when Susie pops out with the truth.

Blogger Nilbo said...

A dog will quite happily lie to get its own way. The dofference between them and (most) men is that when caught in the lie, a dog will at least have the good sense to look contrite, then go back to licking himself.

Blogger Katy Barzedor said...

...unlike the man, who will look like he swallowed a porcupine and then just WISH he could lick himself.

Blogger c said...

Nilbo said "dofference".


Blogger Susie said...

JR, xunxun is the Rx Tom Cruise knows he needs to take. I like "sniffing, snorfling sneak dog."

ern, yes! Biscuit makes with the "I'm so put-upon" drama, like that.

eclectic, the Committee on Doggie Decorum has a file on Biscuit, THIS thick!

squirl, yea, at least he's good for that.

bucky, what's he paying y'all with? Cause I'm missing some fives . . .

nilbo, I don't have to say it, because Bucky's got my back . . .

thank you, bucky.

misfit, What? It's a Canadian thing.

Blogger Nina said...

He is either lying or just playing hard to get. Thanks for the smile this morning.

Blogger August95 said...

Biscuit looks like he could be a pro cuddler. LG is a hoot, she does come out with some zingers!

Thanks for the giggle Susie.

Blogger LadyBug said...

You two are so funny together.

Hugs to you, Susie.

Blogger Effie said...


Cuddling with a warm puppy--so nice when they aren't squirmy and scratchy!

Oh--and it ain't no Canadian thang--just a Nilbo thing...I've never heard dofference before!

Blogger Nilbo said...

God, people. Don't you ever read the dictionary? "Dofference" is when you show respect for something by removing your hat.

*picks quills out of his tongue and tries to lick himself*

Blogger Katy Barzedor said...

Pictures, Nilbo. If you can accomplish this self licking task, we need photographic documentation.

Blogger Katy Barzedor said...

Oh, and Susie - you know Biscuit can buy my lies and loyalty for only two dollars.

My standard rate.

My verification word is Shakespearean:


Azyoo like it?

Blogger Kranki said...

Biscuit may not be outright lying but i bet there is a little fibbing going on.

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

A very fine line. Very fine, indeed. (What was the answer?)

You know, I am acquainted with perhaps a dozen bloggers who have dogs. None of them is named Spot or Blackie, but two of them are named Biscuit. Is this because no one is named Jane anymore but everybody is named Ashley?

Blogger Susie said...

nina, I think he's playing hard to live with.

august, Biscuit is cuddly when he wants to be. And yes, LG is a source of much amusement and delight.

ladybug, hugs to you, too :)

effie, it's often a Nilbo thing . . .

nilbo, you have my dofference, for pulling that one out. I'm glad you came back, I knew you could save it if you did ;)

bucky, God bless you (for the azyoo!). If Nilbo sends me a pic of him licking himself, I will surely post it -- I'll have Nilbo Friday, guest dog . . .

kranki, at best, he is a fibber.

hoss, a most interesting observation. Biscuit's middle name is Jane. (I kid; I'm a kidder.)

Blogger Andrea said...

Still haven't trimmed him yet, eh? ;) He's adorable as always, in any case, and I guess it's not bothering him any! (Makes you wonder what dogs like this did before they were domesticated!)


Blogger Nilbo said...

I resent being called a dog, but flattered you all believe I could lick myself. I can't.

But Bucky? Her, I could lick. And for that, I'd leave the quills in.

Blogger Katy Barzedor said...

Then I'm leavin' the chaps on.

Blogger Closet Metro said...

Are you sure that there's a dog under all that hair? Looks like one of the wigs that are advertised in the back of tv guide, with a button sitting on it. I'm not believing that it's a dog until I hear it bark.

nibxfju. I am the walrus, nibxfju.

Blogger Susie said...

andrea, I know, I KNOW, he needs him some eyeholes.

mrtl, your profile pic always makes me smile, you wanna talk sweet . . .

nilbo . . . ouch.

bucky, you'll need more than chaps, for a quilled tongue. Eeew.

closetmetro, olord, does it bark. Waaaaaaay too much.
"nibxfju" is actually a much better lyric than kookookajoo, I think.


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