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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Update to Previous Post (Not for Kids!)

There's one more person I'd trade places with:

Here she is.

I'd trade with Pearl, because she's the most beloved woman on the internet. Plus, my family would love having her for a day. I know you've seen this everywhere else, even in emails from me, but really, can you get too much Pearl? I think not. I hope she gets her own show.

Update to the update: If you're worried about Pearl, read here. She'll be OK. As soon as she gets her drink on.

14 heads are better than one . . .

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sent this link to my Brother after I received it from you and he RESEARCHED it. He sent me a link today explaining who "Pearl" is and why her Dad & Mom aren't worried about her going around calling people B*tches & a-holes. And she doesn't really like to get her "drink on" according to her parents. Heh.

Leave it to my Brother to enjoy something so much that he wants to know all there is to know about "Pearl".

I just fear he may try to re-create it using my almost 2 year old Niece in the very near future.

Blogger Susie said...

Oh, soozieq, you must tell me what your brother learned. I was JUST having this conversation with my husband. I LOVE the video, but would be horrified to think that this sweet child is being taught those things. But I know, as I told Jif, that there's a trick to it . . . either it's doctored, or, more likely, she's saying something similar, just repeating it after her mom. Oh, I hope, I hope . . .

Blogger Susie said...

OK, I checked it out a bit, and posted a link for anyone who's curious. :)

Blogger Andrea said...

i must be outta the loop, cuz i hadnt seen this yet...but that is hilarious. i DID wonder a bit about a 2yo saying such things...but isn't it funny how some other 2yo saying this is funny, but if it was MY 2yo... ("please tell me you'd never say b*&$h, aislinn...")

Blogger Kranki said...

Pearl is a badass. That is all I've got to say.

Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks, Susie. I needed to view that video before retiring for the night. I expect some unique dreams.


Damn...I'd completely missed this. Pearl is my hero.

Blogger eclectic said...

So funny!! She'll probably grow up to be the next great female comedian. Goodness knows she's got the timing down!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH NO! I just left a comment to you at Andrea's place- ooops. I was referencing something else, now I get it.

I hope you received my email. I know it was a book. I should have had it bound and then mailed it to you.

That was hysterical!! A great way to start a morning! Thanks for that.

Blogger The other me said...

Oh ho!! This could so come back and bite them.. she hasn't said the B word since, she is waiting for the perfect moment...you know when granny comes to visit and Pearl kisses grandma and says " I want my money bitch!" can you see it? HA HA!! Come on Pearl!

Blogger Squirl said...

That was friggin' hilarious. Ichabod and I almost had a brainy idea watching it.

Blogger Judypatooote said...

I heard on tv that Pearl is Will's daughter....doesn't that explain it all.....

Blogger Judypatooote said...

I went back and read the article and I don't know why I thought I heard it was Will's daughter....I guess it's MacKays daughter....I really know they said it was Will's daughter...oh well it really doesn't matter....who ever will have fun trying to control that little mouth as she get's older...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pearl rocks, I haven't ;aughed so much in ages - once I got over the shock of hearing those words from a tot!


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