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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Undisclosed Location

I ran away for a few days, to an undisclosed location. Due to WTF Disease, my family had to cancel vacation plans earlier in the summer, and since school starts here next week, this was our last chance for a getaway. I didn't tell y'all I was going, because I feared being unable to go at the last minute, and didn't want to harsh anyone's mellow if I had to come back on here and say, "You know that nice getaway we were planning? Yea, well, I couldn't do it." But I did do it. And it was good. I had 24 straight hours of feeling pretty OK, and for that I am tremendously thankful. The rest of the weekend was a few good hours alternating with a few crappy ones, which is pretty much my standard m.o. these days. BUT, I did have that one really good day with my kid.

We travelled west, through this really cool "notch" cut out of the mountain. You can see all the different layers of rock, which I find fascinating.

rocky road

When we arrived, this was the view from our window.

from window

Within hours of taking this shot on Friday morning, I was planted firmly in one of the chairs in the foreground, with my Oprah magazine and a strawberry daquiri, gazing past the rock garden to the lake.

view 2

(Now you don't feel so sorry for me, do ya?) This is a fun place. There is a pool, a lake, "real" rock climbing nearby (did not partake), a "moving" rock wall at the hotel, fishing, kayaking, canoing, a steam train ride nearby, good hiking, an aviary (aka "bird zoo"), golf, artsy classes (LG and I made mosaic tile trays), a nightly campfire with all the marshmallows you can incinerate . . . fun place. They do have internet access, but no computers, and since I am laptopless, I was incommunicado for a few days. Thanks to my girl, Squirl, for publishing the Sunday Post for me :)

On a hike to the aviary and back, Jif and I were confronted with our advanced age, in the form of apparent hearing loss. We returned on a different path than the one we took to get there, and we came to a point in the path when it appeared to end. Ahead of us were yards of large, uneven rocks. We weren't sure whether to try to cross them or turn back. It did appear that the trail resumed on the other side of the rocks, so we persevered, with some handholding and some verbal encouragement, and no twisted ankles, and we picked up the trail on the other side of the rock hazard.

A few minutes further along, I spotted a fallen tree across the path. It was really nothing at all, but with the rocky adventure fresh in mind, I called out to Jif and LG behind me, jokingly, "Uhoh, there's another obstacle ahead!"

"A popsicle ahead?! Alright! I could use a popsicle!"

"Man, a popsicle sounds good! Great idea, putting a popsicle stand on the trail . . . "

Here's your popsicle:

popsicle on the trail

Just a few minutes later, LG was in the lead, and she called back to us, "Hey, there's some stairs up here!"

And I'm all, "STOP RIGHT THERE! MAKE SOME NOISE! Oh, cheez, the brochure said there could be bears out here! Stay there!!!"

And Jif's all, "No way! There are no bears up there . . . "

Here's your bears:

bears ahead

So while we didn't actually see one of these:

lodge bear
(except for this one in the lodge)

We did see one of these (photo by LG):

And we did have a really nice time. And it's good to be home, too.

file under: &Family &Can't Make This Stuff Up

37 heads are better than one . . .

Blogger LadyBug said...

Awwww, love LG's bunny photo! And the popsicles and bears made me giggle. The bear in the lodge, though? His facial expression looks like he fell on that branch and sprained his family jewels. *snicker*

I'm so happy for you, Miss Susie, that you were able to spend some time with your family, away from it all. It looks so peaceful and relaxing there.

As always, dear, you are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. Love and hugs to you, my friend.

Blogger Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

Popsicles, bunnies and bears, oh my!

Think the dress and pigtails make me look fat? Don't answer that.

Blogger Andrea said...

Ahhh...now THAT looks relaxing! So glad you got your getaway in, and that you had at least one good day of feeling good.

Blogger Unknown said...


I'm SO glad you all went somewhere and had such a good time.

This post made me smile so big. I LOVED the popsicles and bears story! This post made me want to go on a vacation with my family... but only if I can sit in a lounge chair sipping cool beverages and reading magazines. :)

Love you, Susie Q.

Blogger Effie said...

Yay! Susie & fam had some good time together--looks like a LOVELY vacation--complete with popsicles and bears to boot! Mmm, let's share a popsicle, you and me, how 'bout a banana one?!

Hugs my dear!

Blogger Nina said...

I am so glad you got away ~

About the bear however, ouch if he is male and never mind if she is a female. For the record that just isn't natural. . . I have never seen a bear humping a tree limb before. It did cause me to laugh.

Great picture of the angelic bunny Miss LG.

Blogger sometrouble said...

I am so glad you got to have some R&R away from home. That resort looks beautiful! The popsicles and bears made me laugh!

Blogger WILLIAM said...

I don't blame you for not telling us you were going away. The last time Bucky and Greenie and some others were all "Naked Twister" and the party they had here was unbelievable if you like purple nurples and stuff.

I am glad you had fun.

Blogger Ern said...

I'm so glad you got to get away with the family.

That bear looks like a freeze frame from an episode of America's Funniest Videos!

(So EFFIE'S the reason they keep making banana popsicles. I didn't think anyone liked those!)

Blogger Spilling Ink said...

Susie, this post makes me so happy. I am so glad you had such a good time. I know what it feels like to not be able to plan anything because something might come up at the last minute to ruin it, but apparently it sometimes works out. Hmmm... food for thought.

Blogger Susie said...

ladybug, that's funny; I didn't notice that poor bear's predicament until you said so :) Thanks for the prayers and good stuff.

mrB, no it's the little dog in the picnic basket. Nice shoes, though :)

andrea, it really was a relaxing place. Thanks :)

ck, sitting, reading, sipping, that is a good vacation, in my book.

effie, no banana! Orange cream?

nina, I really did not laugh at the bear until you all pointed out the obvious. Poor guy. I think it's a guy.

sometrouble, thanks :) Me, too.

william, yea, I forgot about that. I was in no mood to clean purple off of nurples when I returned.

ern, I know. Why not just freeze a banana? Maybe it's a pregnancy thing.

aw lynn, thank you. Yes, it does work out sometimes. But it can't if you don't try. Eat that food. For thought. Or something like that ;)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really glad you were able to get away. How funny! I knew exactly where you went (without looking at the link.) I call the cut out The Tower of Terror. This Jersey is not used to mountains and that one always makes me nervous. My husband's family is from Cumberland. It's beautiful out there. Very relaxing.

Blogger Squirl said...

I'm so glad you had a good time. I was pleased to be able to put up the Sunday post for you. :)

That place looks gorgeous. And the fallen tree is a great shot. So is LG's shot of the bunny.

You know, I've liked banana popsicles since I was a little kid. I'm kinda skirred what that might mean...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoo Hooo! I like that you told the story so quickly and with pictures.
Yes, i'm like 5 with ADD.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been to that notch. Not the resort, though - looks fabulous.

I am perplexed by "harsh anyone's mellow" - huh? What parts you from, girl?

Blogger dashababy said...

OMG, I haven't heard anyone say "harsh your mellow" in years. I died laughing.
So glad you got away. It looks beautiful there.

Blogger Ern said...

My dad used to say "harsh my/your/anyone's mellow". I thought it was a 60s kind of Woodstock kind of smoking kind of thing? But you're much to young for that!

(And PS-Orange creme? We are popsicle compatible! *drooling*)

Blogger I'm not here. said...

Oh noes! It's the bunny with the sharp, pointed, nasty teeth.
(Monty Python reference)

I'm so glad you had a wonderful time. The photos are gorgeous.

Blogger eclectic said...

Oh, I am happier than is reasonable for me to be that you got to do this!! Yay!! Really!! Smiling far too broadly to be attractive, probably edging into suspicious-looking. But damn! I'm happy you got to get away!!!! LG the bunny-photographer is such a stud taking on those bears!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yippee!!! I'm so glad you got to have fun! Happy Days for sure! I've been thinking about you.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray! So glad you were able to get away, and that you felt relatively well while you were there. That place looks awesome--J.P. and I might have to check it out sometime.

Blogger ieatcrayonz said...

I'm so happy for you. Can you please take me with next time? I'll see your laptopless and throw in a pole dance.

Blogger Unknown said...

Jeezly CROW! That looks BEEE-YOO-TEE-FUL!

I'm glad you did that. VERY glad you did that. It warms my heart.

Blogger Katy Barzedor said...

Honey, it's no wonder you're not feeling well! Please please PLEASE, back away from the Oprah magazine, verrrry slowly so as not to arouse her ire...

I love banana popsicles. And you know what we do with popsicles around this house. Here kitty, kitty, kitty...

Blogger Effie said...

Oh Bucky--tell me you eat the popsicle FIRST pleaaaase! Don't waste all the banana-y-goodness that way!

Susie--I'm good with orange cream too...mmm!

I've loved banana popsicles since I was little--they were a rarity in our household and cherished almost as much as the chocolate ones!

Hugs Susie! Enjoy your half of the popsicle because now I'll be craving one....

Blogger Pissy Britches said...

LMAO at Bucky.

Beautiful freakin' pics Susie.
Looks very relaxing wherever you went.

Blogger Amy said...

I love you and your "MAKE SOME NOISE!".

So super glad you had a break away from all the nonsense, Susie.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know exactly where that notch is. Not much over an hour from my house. Did you know there is an information place where you can stop and learn about the layers, etc.?

That looks like a lovely place to vacation.

Blogger Nilbo said...

Sometimes you have to stop and smell the popsicles ...

Great that you had some time to drink in the goodness of the world. Let's hope it infused and charged your spirit and added its healing powers to the vibes we're all sending. (Well, all of us except Bucky, who just will NOT listen to reason when it comes to vibes. Or popsicles, for that matter.)

True story: this morning around 2AM I was working and took a break to walk outside. It was crisp and cloudless and since I live out in the country, the stars were breathtaking. I picked through the constellations I know - Orion, the Big Dipper, a few others - looking for a satellite - they're always to be found, trekking across the sky.

This time of the year, the Persied meteor showers can provide a fun show, and sure enough, every minute or so a beautiful bright falling star would flash across the heavens. And with each one, I'd make a wish, just the way I have done since I was a kid (yeah, back in the 60's, when people said stuff like "harsh anyone's mellow").

So, Ms. Susie, you got a whole whack of my wishes streaking across the sky. I hope you're happy. I could have saved one and gotten a night with Bucky and Jessica, but NOOOO. They're all yours.

Blogger Squirl said...

Nilbo, I promise not to tell anyone, but you can really be so sweet. ;)

Blogger Susie said...

denise, that's funny; such a small world. It is very relaxing out there :)

squirl, I cannot comment on the banana popsicles. I love the shot of the bunny, because of how it came about. I was sitting in the chair, and LG was wandering around taking pix, and this lady walked up to her and said something very quietly, and at first, I was all ready to spring up and kick ass, with a stranger whispering to my kid, but she was pointing out the bunny, which was just so sweet of her. And LG had a great time stalking the poor little thing and taking the pix, and I was thankful for the reminder that not all strangers who talk to our kids are trying to steal them.

myveryownPrincess, just for you ;) You like the picture book section at Barnes and Noble, doncha?

kalki, don't harsh my mellow by questioning my heritage. Actually, I think it is from a little before my time, but I find it a very useful phrase. Probably a predecessor to "buzzkill," which is probably also before your time.

dashababymama, it always makes me laugh, too. And here's kalki, harshing our mellows ;)

ern, yes, your dad is probably a few minutes older than I, but obviously he's GROOVY ;) I love orange cream. I even like orange creamy lotions. And someday, I hope to eat orange cream Rolos.

MoDis, you crack me up :)

eclectic, ginormous smiles are IN for Fall; I read it in O Magazine :)

traci, thank you! I was thinking of you while there, and I shall mail evidence of that very soon ;)

shawkey, oh, you should, AND they allow dogs there. The VBD is way too bad, but I'm sure Maggie would be a lady.

crayonbreath, yes, you can come next time. There was a pole in the room, that didn't get used . . .

jim, I'll bet that warm feeling is heartburn from the damned Lucerne. You need to cut back ;)

bucky, come one, don't dis my O Mag. From the September issue, I learned that nice matters, and chocolate is good.

effie, I really can't think too much about what you said to Bucky, because I might actually want to eat a popsicle again someday. Does it really matter if she eats it first or after . . . brrrrr

pissy, bucky has that effect. And it was a very peaceful place, did me good.

amy, nonsense indeed. I'm so freakin' sick of being sick. The break was much appreciated.

oddmix, so we're neighbors? It's 2-3 hours west of us, here.

nilbo, honest to goodness, that is even sweeter than the Rosie hookup. Big hugs to you, and you just shot your curmudgeonly rep all to hell. You're gonna have to be REAL awful to repair it.

squirl, ain't he just?

Blogger Dawn said...

that place is absolutely beautiful.

I'm so glad that you were able to get away :)

happy friday and hope you have a great weekend, too

Blogger Kranki said...

What a lovely tranquil spot despite all the misheard bear mishaps. And bunnies! I love me some bunnies!

I hope you got to forget about sicknes for a little bit and reconnected with nature in the company of the ones you love most.


Blogger Naomi said...


Nope, can't feel sorry for you having that wonderful trip!! ;)

I may be repeating sentiments, but I'm a little to sleepy to read them all right now...it's been a long week! (Wish I was still on holiday!)

Hehe...ask effie about the apricot word misunderstanding! hehe our ears can help us have such fun!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

thinkin' of you tonight my friend. that's all. : )

Blogger Unknown said...

I want to run away to a similar place!

Blessings and shalom, Susie.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sure sounds like it. We are fairly close to the Virginia side of Harper's Ferry. 2-3 hours east of Sideling Hill has you darn near the coast, so a bit further than next door, but neighbors indeed by comparison to some.


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