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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Lady in the Water*

I rarely write about my dreams here (maybe never before). Partly because I think most people would rather poke themselves in the eye with a sharp stick than read someone else's dream (because of my work, I would rather listen to a dream than poke myself in the eye); and partly because dreams are often so much more personal, more intimate than anything that happens in conscious life. I interpret and use my own dreams as often as I can. The insight from them is a big part of my waking life.

One feature that appears quite often in my dreams is wordplay. Puns, double entendres, homonyms, all sorts of tricks that my unconscious mind plays with words, I think mostly to amuse my conscious mind.

The other night I had a strange dream, which I'm not really sure I've interpreted accurately yet. (Btw, when this happens, I tell God that I didn't "get it," and that I need to hear it in another way, and then I get another one, and so on until I do get it.) In this dream, Jif and I were in a huge lake. We could not see the shore on any side, it was that big. The water was brown, the color of weak coffee. We were not disgusted by this, but a little frustrated because we could not see very far down into the water. All around us were floating pieces of lumber. Large pieces, like for home foundation building. And there was a sort of large raft that was built from these things. We knew it wouldn't sink even though it was submerged an inch or two. We kept trying, with little success, to get up onto the raft. Adjacent to the raft was a dock, from which there rose rough wooden steps, rising up into the sky, as far as we could see. Such a sparse dream; two people, water and wood. Then I saw that very high up on the steps was a man, so high up there that we couldn't see him at all, except to make out that it was a person. Somehow we knew who it was, though. We both acknowledged that it was Justin Timberlake.

I thought about that dream for days, wondering what it was trying to tell me. The one part that I really couldn't integrate into any of my interpretations was why in the world Justin Timberlake would have been there.

Then it hit me. Justin Timberlake was at the top of the image. My funny brain was playing word games again. It wasn't a pop star. It was a title. We were Just in Timber Lake.

*I changed the title of this post from the original, obvious choice, because I would've been inundated here with teenage boys. Plus, remember the movie trailer where the creepy kid whispers, "Lady in the water..."? Yea, well, LG and I creepily whisper that to each other, often opening the bathroom door to do so when one is in the shower, followed by screaming and laughing :)

29 heads are better than one . . .

Blogger WILLIAM said...

I am glad you did not see Princess DI and Rhea Perlman.

It may have explained the color of the lake.

Blogger Unknown said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Susie Q -- I love the way your mind works.

That is too funny!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is hilarious. I LOVE it!

Blogger Squirl said...

I think this is an interesting dream.

Blogger Susie said...

william, I'm not even gonna think too much about that...

ck, aw,thanks. A man in my church once told me I have a beautiful mind. That was before the Russell Crowe movie came out, or I would've thought he was saying I was nuts :)

ladybug, glad you enjoyed :)

squirl, would you care to do a little interpatatin'?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. What was the original title - the one you changed? (I know you said it was the "obvious choice," but I'm apparently too dim to figure it out this morning.)

Blogger Susie said...

squirl, gotcha in email; thank you :)

ladybug, oh, you disappoint me so. Have you lost your (dirty) mind? The original title was Wet Dre@m. But truly, about 10 people who "know" me visit here every day; then about 150 or so people lookin' for porn. Just tryin' to clean up the neighborhood.

Blogger dashababy said...

I like to hear about peoples dreams more so if I know the person. I like to think that I can interpret them sometimes but then I'm really just guessing. Your dream says to me that you and Jif are on a journey together because of the raft. The water is big and this could be emotions, maybe overwhelming and unclear. The wood could be obstacles and maybe these obstacles eventually all lead to God/aka Justin Timberlake. Maybe the obstacles/wood are from God to lead you closer to him?
That's my best guess.
Love and hugs,

Blogger Katy Barzedor said...

William - Bwahahahahahahaaaaa! Are you sure we're not somehow related? Separated at birth or something?

Damn, I envy your dreamstate wordplay. I think the dream means that you are too clever for your own good. :)


Susie, I actually am fascinated by people's dreams. A good friend, who's also a fabulous interpreter, does it from a Jungian perspective. Everyone in the dream represents some aspect of yourself - it's not Jif or Justin, but other sides of you. On the other hand, I'm mightily impressed by anyone who is limber at wordplay. And sometimes a raft is just a raft.

Word ver: jfbwh

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, MAN. Now that I've read your response, I'm disappointed in me, too. I can't believe that never crossed my mind. (In my defense, though, I was thinking the title would've had something to do with Justin Timberlake. I just assumed I wouldn't be able to figure it out, since I know NOTHING about him, except that he used to date Cameron Diaz and that I find him pretty repulsive.)

Blogger Spilling Ink said...

I would much rather listen to someone's dream than poke myself in the eye! Just in timber lake? You are incredible. You are witty even while sleeping! A true 'word woman'. You rock. I think the word 'just', as in 'only', might be very operative here. Maybe the dream was about WTF. The water was murky because you don't know what's going to happen. You want a life raft, but you've not been cast out to sea to perish, you're just in timber lake, where there are obstacles. Maybe this is a good dream. Maybe your unconscious somehow knows that everything is going to be ok. This makes me feel good! I love you, Susie.

I hope you don't mind my amatuer dream-prodding, I just have so many dreams and questions myself, and here I've been presented with a word clue (my fave) and I just lost control of my keyboard...

Blogger Effie said...

that is hilarious....reminds me of MooneyAngelo....

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn, you asleep are so much more clever than me awake!

Blogger Ern said...

That's hysterical! Your brain sounds like a fun place to be.

Blogger Susie said...

grandmamadashababymama, first, congratulations again. You must be on top of the world :) Thanks for the dream observations. This whole thing has pushed/pulled my relationship with God in different directions, for sure.

bucky, I, too, sense your sick kinship with William ;) And I, of course, find you both irresistible. Clevah, eh? I'm too much of a lot of things for my own good; not sure clever is one of them.

htgt, my grad. degree was from a Jungian orientation. I use his and many others' dream interpretation methods. No one-size-fits-all, I think. For anyone interested in learning to interpret their own dreams, I highly recommend Ann Faraday's books. A dream means only what it means to the dreamer, based on history, experience, etc. She's good at explaining how that works.

ladybug, I don't know anything about Justin, either, which is partly why I knew that it wasn't literally him in the dream. All I know about him is that he's bringing sexy back, and I'm all in favor of that, even though I never realized that he'd taken it away in the first place. I've been busy, though. :p

lynn, I talked with Squirl about the dream, and we came up with very close to what you suggest here. I sure hope that's it. About the "just," and such. I would think fiction writers would really get into dreams, as a resource.

effie, but not as clever.

kalki, naw, but me alseep is often more clever than ME awake.

ern, oh, no, it's a BAAAAD neighborhood, you don't wanna go there.

Blogger Nina said...

My first thought was nocturnal emission . . . So I understand why you changed the title.

Just in Timber Lake ~ I think you interpreted accurately your dream. I like the *Just* in this . . . because it means that you will get out and I'll be standing there handing you a towel. :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Moly
That's some powerful imagery.

I don't have wordplay in my dreams. I think that would I would never realize it was wordplay and just be completely baffled. On the other hand, maybe that's why I don't "get" so many of my dreams... I should be thinking about brainteasers.

Lately I've been having strange and vivid dreams that I remember extremely clearly when I wake up. A sure sign something is afoot (for me).

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So is this better than being up shit creek???

Blogger Kranki said...

Clearly you are a genius.

Blogger Judypatooote said...

Susie, I'm so happy that you stopped by my blog sight, because I have always read your blog...but when I changed to the new blogger, I lost all my blogging friends, and had to gather the sights one by one again.....so now I can put you back on my favorites list.... thank you for your comment on Ali...she was a very special young lady.....thanks again, judy

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, wow, somebody who dreams weird word stuff like me. I play around with words a lot in a waking state (spoonerisms, anagrams, etc.), so it's probably no surprise it pops up in dreams. The weirdest one happened several years ago when I was going through a rough phase at work, and one night I kept seeing these words in a dream:
CILO HAKROW. When I woke up I played around with rearranging the letters, etc., and couldn't come up with anything until I remembered one of my favorite word games: writing stuff backwards:
WORKAHOLIC. I kid you not.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your subconscious mind was wondering why anybody would have a name like Justin Timberlake, which leaves a person far too vulnerable to Jay Leno jokes, and was exploring some possibilities.

Whatever it was ... that was awesome. My subconscious is still trying to figure out what day I'm supposed to go to history class.

Blogger Susie said...

nina, that would be lovely. A big, fluffy one :)
Congratulations, again :)

sheryl, make sure you write down as much as you can remember, and then read it outloud. Sometimes the words become clear as we hear them, rather than just see them. Many people have wordplay in their dreams and don't know it. If a client tells me a dream, I write down every word they say, because the first words that come to mind in describing it can be important, too. Or sometimes there will be a sign (literally, like a billboard or a sign on a business) that says something, but we miss it unless we're looking for it.
Sweet dreams to you. xxx

traci, having been on that particular cruise more than a few times, I must say, yes, the dream was better than that ;)

kranki, well . . . yea, CLEARLY. (Don't know why that is clear to you, but I love you for saying so ;)

judy, nice to see you, and I'm very glad I stopped by, too. Ali was and remains, a very special young lady. Hugs to you.

ortizzle, I can absolutely believe that. If I have weird words, I turn them every whichaway, and often get something from them. Even got the name of a medical test to ask for, during WTF. Didn't pan out . . . at least not yet.

stringmuse, even in recent years, I have found myself in Mr. Campbell's Advanced Math class, all, "THERE'S A TEST TODAY?!! I DIDN'T KNOW!!!"

Blogger Bone Machine said...

Apparently I am bringing the cranky back. I'm doing the Lord's work.

Blogger Pebble Princess said...

Susie, you said about 10 people visit you? I think there are way more, because I visit and my friend Tina visits (I introduced her to you) and we just love you and think of you as our sister. So I'm a'sayin' hello now so you'll know that about TWELVE people visit you! Sorry for lurking so long without sayin' Hey, but I haven't had anything to add until now. We pray for you too.

Blogger Susie said...

chchchchia, you really think it was one of THOSE dreams? Because that was some serious wood . . .

bonmach, bringing the cranky is the Lord's work? Then I'm gonna be on the cover of Missionaries Illustrated this month :)

hi, pebble princess! hi, tina! Thanks for stopping in and for the prayers. Keep 'em coming, they're the only treatment I've got, so I'm counting on them being enough. I don't mind lurkers a bit, but I am glad you said hello :) So now I'm up to 12 people who intend to be here, and 150 looking for porn . . .

Blogger Annejelynn said...

I love crazy dreams like this...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting dream....only a few significan elements, but just the kind of elements to keep one pondering and pondering...

....and pondering.

I think grandmadashababy's interpretation is very good. I like dreams too, and I have a few close friends who will call me to interpret their dreams. It's an odd calling, I suppose, but I don't mind.

Good call on not naming it the "obvious"! You certainly don't want a bunch of 12-year-olds (give or take a couple years) finding your blog. They wouldn't comment, but it sure would feel weird.

I wish they'd figure out your ailment soon!

lil sis


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